For the ladies, I love the use of primarily one or two flowers (daisies, hydrangeas or both!) and expanding the look with texture and greenery. Have fun!
(so whimsical! love it!!!)
(Aren't the long stems in the above picture fun!)
(love the above texture)
(nice use of ribbon!)
(the berries used in the images above and below add great depth!)
Today's blog posts are all about floral! Below are different bridal bouquets that evoke a feeling of wistful romanticism. The use of different textures, greenery, and the "wild-flower" effect were a huge inspiration in researching. Enjoy!
(The above 4 images have such great texture, don't they!)
(Love the above vintage look!)
(Love the way the above bouquet is whimsical!!!)
So here's a new inspiration board with primarily the bright ocean blue and started to evoke a slight vintage feel with the pearls and damask, which I really feel fits our personalities in a unique sort of way!!! Enjoy!